Official Business Opening: Timeline and Details

Official Business Opening



Launch: 1st of February 2019.


Things go faster than expected. Therefore I completed planning for the next 2-3 years. Continue reading for more details of the next steps.

First of all I will found the parent company in London:
---> World of Bytes Ltd.

After that I will register a trade business (registered sole trader) on my name in Berlin:  
---> Patrick Zeriadtke e.K.

Followed by later business/brand registration and reformation to:  
---> World of Bytes Ltd. & Co. KG

When I'm in the US again in March, I'm going to found the USA representation in California/Silicon Valley or Delaware
---> World of Bytes Inc.

Around Summer 2019 the group will get another member from Andorra
---> Wendor S.L.

More will follow end of 2019.

The official World of Bytes Homepage will also launch on 01/02/2019. Stay tuned!
